A divorce that involves children can be challenging. Trying to understand your emotions and simultaneously protecting your kids may be complex. Thus, you need to obtain adequate information to be prepared. In addition to being informed, you and the other parent should...
Tips for navigating an angry divorce
Divorce can naturally trigger negative emotions. Feelings of anger, resentment, and bitterness are expected. While there is no guaranteed way to go through a divorce without experiencing some negative emotions, there are ways to help cope. Emotionally tense divorces...
Staying connected with your kids after the divorce
It's natural for parents to feel a bit of separation anxiety when they divorce. You're now living in two different households, and you're worried you won't have the same connection with your kids. It's important to remember that the relationship between you and your...
Does a custody modification require re-litigating your case?
The process of splitting custody with your ex in an Ohio divorce can be a contentious and frustrating experience. The two of you may fight bitterly over who makes certain decisions and how you split your time with the kids. The custody order that results from those...
Documents to gather before a custody hearing
Whether you’re in the midst of a divorce or looking to make a custody modification, it’s important to be prepared. The court will be solely focussed on the best interests of the child in either case. There are some preparatory steps that you can take to boost the...
Avoiding summer vacation drama after your divorce
Summer will soon be here. For many divorced parents, that means a return to drama and conflicts around the children, most of which can be tied back to vacation time. Isn’t there a better way? There can be, but it takes a little advance planning. Start with your...
Remember these points when parenting styles clash
Clashing parenting styles can range from having differences in minor issues to being unable to agree on even the biggest parenting matters. It’s hard to deal with this when both parents live together, but it’s much more difficult when they’re split up. Finding ways...
When will the Ohio courts grant a custody modification?
Setting terms for custody in your divorce can be one of the hardest steps. Both you and your ex probably want to see as much of your children as possible, so it can sometimes take quite a bit of time and even professional help for parents to reach a custody...
Tips for handling passive-aggressive co-parenting
Raising children with a co-parent is often a test of one's patience. While many people think that the worst kind of co-parent to deal with is one who’s openly confrontational, others will probably say that having one who’s passive-aggressive is just as bad. The...
How to show the court you’re an involved parent
You didn’t expect your divorce to be amicable, but you never expected your spouse to demand full custody of your children. Yet here you are: Your spouse has steadfastly refused to negotiate a fair custody agreement and parenting plan and has accused you of being an...