Child support can be a contentious topic between parents – even though both parents want what’s best for their child.
What about college expenses? Does child support in Ohio continue while an adult child completes their postsecondary degree? Here’s what you need to know.
Ohio support rarely continues past a child’s 19th birthday
Generally speaking, child support in this state ends when a minor child becomes an adult at 18 years of age. There are only a few exceptions. These include:
- The child is still in high school, in which case the support will continue until their 19th birthday.
- The child is disabled and either mentally or physically incapable of self-support.
- The parents agree, as part of their divorce or dissolution, to continue paying support for an extended time period past the usual time limit.
That means that you and your spouse can make college support part of your agreement, and the court can make that agreement binding.
Before you do that, however, you need to ask yourself (and each other) some important questions:
- What kind of college tuition are you willing to pay? Are you willing to fund an Ivy League or top-tier education or will your support be limited to the cost of a state school?
- What support will you commit to aside from the tuition? Are you willing to pay for reasonable additional expenses, like books, a food plan, class supplies and transportation?
- What sort of housing will you cover? Will you foot the bill for an off-campus apartment or will you only fund on-campus housing?
Thinking ahead about these kinds of questions can help you avoid major misunderstandings – while still protecting your child’s future. Negotiating agreements regarding custody and support isn’t always easy, so seek out some experienced guidance.