Child custody is often a complex issue during divorce, especially if there are circumstances leading to disputes between the parents. Some situations are easy to resolve, requiring little intervention by the court. Other times, it takes a long time, needing a judge’s help to finalize the most appropriate custody arrangement.
The parents can also face various challenges when requesting child custody changes. Before the court can review their request, they must meet specific requirements that could affect the modification’s validity, including the following:
- A significant life event or change happened after issuing the initial child custody order. This shift must involve the parent or the child, potentially leading to adverse effects.
- The change aligns with the child’s wishes or preferences.
- This modification can help maintain stability in the child’s home, school and personal life.
- The parents asked for the change because of their declining physical or mental health.
- One parent’s circumstances impacted their financial resources, making them unable to fulfill certain obligations to the child.
- The change is necessary to accommodate inevitable life changes, such as relocation.
- It is reasonable to change the custody order to keep both parents dedicated to implementing the arrangement.
Sometimes, a parent’s criminal history can contribute to the request’s validity. The court can also consider other factors relevant to the requested modification, such as their willingness to stick to the initial custody order.
Securing the child’s welfare
Some extreme circumstances might also warrant a child custody order change. These factors include child neglect, abuse, and other issues involving the parents, such as unemployment or imprisonment.
The decision to grant the change could depend on the case details presented in court. The judge could modify the order regardless of these requirements if necessary for the child’s welfare.