After being married for 20 years or more, you and your spouse have realized you are not a good match for each other. While you are looking forward to being single, you are also worried about your financial future. At your spouse’s request, you stayed home to take care...
Year: 2021
What helps you build a case for an Ohio custody modification?
When the Ohio family courts approve a custody order, they expect the parents to abide by that order. Usually, the custody order will serve its purpose well, at least initially. However, as family circumstances change, you may need to adjust your parenting plan as...
Do you have to split your debt in divorce?
Ohio law follows an equitable distribution property model, which means that you and your spouse will need to divide your assets and debts equitably when you divorce. The point of equitable distribution models is to make sure that you and your spouse split your assets...
Are men and women treated equally where custody is involved?
You’re headed for divorce, and you’re worried (or terrified) that you won’t get a fair deal when it comes to custody of the children -- simply because you’re their father rather than their mother. Legally, the courts aren’t supposed to treat men and women any...
Can divorce damage your credit?
Divorce causes a lot of upsets in someone's life -- but some are more troublesome than others. Your credit can be significantly affected when you divorce -- and this is particularly true for women rather than men. There are a few reasons why this may be the case. How...
Life after divorce: 3 crucial financial tips after divorce
Let’s face it; divorce can have a profound impact on your life and finances. Unfortunately, dealing with money issues post-divorce can be extremely challenging as you work towards rebuilding your life. If you are left struggling following a divorce, you must act as...
Having a child won’t stop a divorce
Couples who are struggling sometimes consider having children as a way to save the relationship. The belief is that they just need something to bring them closer together, and a child can do that. They may also have always dreamed of being a family, not just a couple,...
Why do you need to update your estate plan after a divorce?
During a divorce, you and your ex will have to figure out how to split your property and agree to arrangements for shared custody if you have kids together. Whether you go through mediation, attempt a collaborative divorce or litigate your proceeding, you will likely...
When will the Ohio courts grant a custody modification?
Setting terms for custody in your divorce can be one of the hardest steps. Both you and your ex probably want to see as much of your children as possible, so it can sometimes take quite a bit of time and even professional help for parents to reach a custody...
Tips for handling passive-aggressive co-parenting
Raising children with a co-parent is often a test of one's patience. While many people think that the worst kind of co-parent to deal with is one who’s openly confrontational, others will probably say that having one who’s passive-aggressive is just as bad. The...